Not even going to lie. I was so relieved this morning when my Challenge Du Jour (That’s the Challenge Of The Day, my Dumb & Dumber fans will get that one) was a myofascial release workout. I am SO sore today!! Muscle soreness tends to make me NOT want to workout.
I know it’s because I skipped my Recover the last two days after some intense lifting sessions. So apparently the stuff really does work to help with DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness). I guess I will have to just suck it up through my session today and I will definitely be drinking my Recover! Starting the day with lots of stretching is SO nice though!!! Perfect way to start the day!
Preventing Muscle Soreness
We’ve all been there! You decide ok today is the day that I’m going to start a brand new routine! I’m going to give this workout a try. Or maybe you have a ton of energy & motivation at the gym and you simply push yourself harder than normal.
The next day you feel ok — not too sore. However, two days later you’re walking around your house in the morning like an 80 year old woman. Needless to say, that 3rd workout is damn near impossible! You’d have to be crazy to actually get in there and get your sweat on with how bad your body is hurting!
Muscle soreness is caused by a build up in lactic acid within your tissues after a particularly challenging workout or if you’re just beginning a new exercise routine. Often the worst of the DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) occurs two days after the workout that caused the soreness.
3 Tips To Prevent & Treat Muscle Soreness
1. Drink more H2O!
The more water you drink before and after your workout the less likely you are to experience DOMS or at least make them less severe. Water helps your body to flush out the lactic acid in your tissues. I always to drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces each day. So if you weigh 140 lbs then you’ll want to get in at least 70 ounces of water per day.
2. Take a pain reliever
If you have to you can take a pain reliever about 2 hours prior to your next workout. One thing I don’t want to see happen is you skipping a workout because of muscle soreness. Especially if you’re just getting started on your fitness journey.
3. Drink Beachbody Performance Recover
It’s the only post-workout shake on the market that contains an ingredient specifically to prevent and treat DOMS. It contains 650 mg of Pomegranate Seed Extract which has been shown in studies to drastically decrease muscle soreness. I get mine here.
It comes in a 1 lb, 20 serving tub in either Chocolate or Orange. The chocolate is delicious! Very smooth and creamy! I also really like the Orange especially in the warmer summer months as its very refreshing. It tastes like an orangesicle. If you’re interested in getting 25% off on it simply email me here.